Se muestra la productividad científica a partir de 2016.
- A. Contreras-Cuevas, E. Hardcover Printed Book:Bedolla-Becerril, M. Salazar-Martínez, J. Lemus-Ruiz, Metal Matrix Composites: Wetting and Infiltration, 1st Edition, Springer International Publishing, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 331 páginas. Hardcover ISBN:978-3-319-91853-2, eBook ISBN:978-3-319-91854-9, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-91854-9
- Bedolla-Jacuinde, Book Chapter No. 7: Niobium in Cast Irons, Progress in Metallic Alloys, ©INTECH 2016. p. 187-219.
F.V. Guerra, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, I. Mejía, E. Cardoso L. Book Chapter No. 6: Effect of Copper Additions on Secondary Carbide Precipitation in High-Chromium White Iron. Characterization of Metals and Alloys. ©Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017. p. 61-81.
- Argandona, M.V. Biezma, J.M. Berrueta, C. Berlanga, A. Ruiz.Detection of Secondary Phases in UNS S32760 Superduplex Stainless Steel by Destructive and Non-destructive Techniques. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 25(12) (2016) 5269-5279.
R.B. Flores, A. Ruíz, C. Rubio-González, V.H. López, N.O. Lara, R.G. Hernández, F.F. Curiel López. Effect of heat input and accumulated fatigue damage on mechanical properties of dissimilar AL-6XN/316L welded joints. Materials Characterization 112 (2016) 41-50.
- Aguilar, C. Guerra, S. Lascano, D. Guzman, P.A. Rojas, M. Thirumurugan, L. Bejar, A. Medina. Synthesis and characterization of Ti-Ta-Nb-Mn foams. ISSN: 0928-4931, Materials Science and Engineering C, Vol.58, (2016), Pag.420-431,
- Patiño-Carachure A, Medina-Flores, L. Bejar, L. Pérez, I. Alfonso, I. A. Figueroa, V. Rodriguez-Iglesias. Estimation of elastic moduli of particulate-reinforced composites using finite element and modified Halpin Tsai models. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Vol.38, (2016) Pag.1317-1324. ISSN: 1678-5878,
- Aguilar, P. Guzman, S. Lascano, C. Parra, L. Bejar, A. Medina, D. Guzman. Solid solution and amorphous phase in Ti-Nb-Ta-Mn systems synthesized by mechanical alloying. Journal of Alloy and Compounds. Vol.670, (2016) Pag.346-355. ISSN: 0925-8388,
A.Bedolla-Jacuinde, F.V. Guerra, I. Mejía, J. Zuno-Silva, C. Maldonado “Boron effect of precipitation of secondary carbides during destabilization of a high chromium white iron”. International Journal of Cast Metals Research. 29 (2016). 55-61
R.R. Hernandez, A. Torres-Islas, S. Serna, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, A. Molina, J. Colin, H. Martinez. Corrosion Behavior of 18Cr-18Mn Hot-Forged and Plasma-Nitrided Steel.Journal of Advanced Electrochemistry. 2(4) (2016) 117–120.
- Villagomez Galindo, G. Carbajal De la Torre, J.C. Romo Castañeda, A,.Bedolla Jacuinde, H.A. Gonzalez Rojas, M.A. Espinosa Medina.Casting Fe-Al based intermetallics alloyed with Li and Ag. Journal of Materials Research. 31(16) (2016) 2473-2481.
F.V. Guerra, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, J. Zuno Silva, M. Ortiz Dominguez, I. Ruiz Lopez, E. Cardoso Legorreta. Fatigue resistance improvement of a forging médium carbón Steel using Mischmetal (rare earths) as inclusion (MnS) modifier element. Nova Scientia. 17(8) (2016) 97-125.
Effect of current density on the microstructure and adhesion of Ni-Co/Al2O3 composite coatings.Diana Alejo-Guerra, Carlos A. León-Patiño, Ena A. Aguilar-Reyes and José E. Bedolla-Becerril.Materials Research Society Proceedings, 1820, 2016.
García-Mora, E., Mejía, I., Reyes-Calderón, F., Cabrera, J. M. (2016). Determination of Critical Stress for Dynamic Recrystallization of a High-Mn Austenitic TWIP Steel Micro-Alloyed with Vanadium. MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL), 1812, 41-46.
Salas-Reyes, A. E., Mejía, I., Cabrera, J. M. (2016). Effect of Ti microaddition on cavitation behavior during uniaxial hot-tensile of Fe-22Mn-1.5 Al-1.3 Si-0.5 C austenitic TWIP steel. MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL), 1812, 123-128.
Carlos Ernesto Borja Soto, Ignacio Alejandro Figueroa Vargas, José Ramón Fonseca Velázquez, Gabriel Ángel Lara Rodriguez, Jorge Alejandro Verduzco Martínez.Composition, elastic property and packing efficiency predictions for bulk metallic glasses in binary, ternary and quaternary systems. Materials Research, 19/2 (2016) 285-294. On-line version ISSN 1980-5373. DOI:
- Solis, H. Zhao, C. Wang, J.A. Verduzco, A.S. Bueno, A. Neville, Tribological performance of an H-DLC coating prepared by PECVD. Applied Surface Science (F.I. 3.387), 383 (2016) 222-232. ISSN: 0169 4332. DOI:
Jorge Alejandro Verduzco, Carlos Ernesto Borja, Víctor Hugo López, Luis Rafael Olmos, José Israel Betancourt, Ignacio Alejandro Figueroa. Magnetic Properties of Metal - Polymer Composites for AC Applications at High Frequencies. Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society, 60/2 (2016) 58-61. ISSN 1665-9686.
Manuel Alejandro Martínez-Villalobos, Ignacio Alejandro Figueroa, Miguel Angel Suarez, Gabriel Ángel Lara Rodríguez, Omar Novelo Peralta, Gonzalo González Reyes, Ismeli Alfonso López, Jorge Verduzco Martínez and Cesar Díaz Trujillo. Microstructural Evolution of Rapid Solidified Al-Ni Alloys. Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society (F.I. 0.71), 60/2 (2016) 67-72. ISSN 1665-9686.
Carlos Ernesto Borja Soto, Ignacio Alejandro Figueroa Vargas, Gabriel Ángel Lara Rodríguez, Jorge Alejandro Verduzco Martínez. Glass Forming Ability and Mechanical Properties of Zr57.52Co21.24Al9.24Ag12 bulk metallic glass. Materials Research (F.I. 0.634), 19(Suppl. 1) (2016) 86-91. Print version ISSN 1516-1439, On-line version ISSN 1980-5373. DOI:
Synthesis and Tribological Performance of Carbon Nanostructures Formed on AISI 316 Stainless Steel Substrates. Reynier Suárez-Martínez, Teoxahual Ocampo-Macias, Javier Lara-Romero, José Lemus-Ruiz, Omar Jiménez-Alemán, Fernando Chiñas-Castillo, Roberto Sagaro-Zamora, Sergio Jiménez-Sandoval, Francisco Paraguay-Delgado. Tribol Lett, Vol. 64, No. 36, Art. 6, p. 1-11. DOI:10.1007/s11249-016-0769-5
Sintering Behavior and Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Highly Porous Ti6Al4V Powder Materials. Didier Bouvard, J.L. Cabezas-Villa; L. Olmos; J. Lemus-Ruiz, in World PM2016 Proceeding, European Powder Metallurgy Association, October, 6p. (ISBN: 978-1-899072-48-4,, 9232bb4e235b393172ebfad328d344c.pdf, European Powder Metallurgy Association
Hernández Muñoz W., Serrato Rodríguez J., Múñoz Saldaña J., Zárate Medina J. Synthesis of lanthanum aluminate by reverse chemical precipitation using pseudoboehmite as alumina precursor. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 117 (2016) 96-99.
Hernández Muñoz Wilson, Serrato Rodríguez Juan, Muñoz Saldaña Juan, Zárate Medina Juan.Synthesis of lanthanum aluminate by reverse chemical precipitation using pseudoboehmite as alumina precursor. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 117(2016) 96–99.doi:
- Morales-Hernández, J. Zarate-Medina, M.E. Contreras-García, J. Azorín-Nieto, T. Rivera-Montalvo.Synthesis and Thermoluminescence of LaAlO3:Pr3+ to UVC Radiation dosimetry. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 118(2016) 12-17.
- Caudillo-Flores, J. Lara-Romero, J. Zárate-Medina, M.J. Muñoz-Batista, R. Huirache-Acuña, E.M. Rivera-Muñoz, J. A. Cortés, Enhanced photocatalytic activity of MWCNT/TiO2 heterojunction photocatalysts obtained by microwave assisted synthesis.Catalysis Today 266 (2016)102-109. Available online 12 January 2016.
M M Machado López, M I Espitia Cabrera, J Faure, M E Contreras García Electrochemical behavior of 45S5 bioactive ceramic coating on Ti6Al4V alloy for dental applications. 2016, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. DOI:
Gerardo Manuel Rodríguez Torres, Juan Zarate Medina, María Eugenia Contreras García Synthesis and characterization of Zirconia-Yttria nanoparticles in t’ phase by sol-gel and spray drying. 2016, Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials., ISSN: 2064-4477, DOI:
S Torres, A Bravo, ME Contreras. BaO•6Fe2O3 as DDS Using Tetracycline as Model Drug. 2016, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN), ISSN (e): 2250-3021, (p): 2278-8719, DOI:
M.M. Machado López, J. Fauré, M.I. Espitia Cabrera, M.E. Contreras García. Structural Characterization and Electrochemical Behavior of 45S5 Bioglass Coating on Ti6Al4V Alloy for Dental Applications. 2016, Materials Science and Engineering: B. ISSN:0921-5107, DOI:
ME Abad-Javier, M Cajero-Juárez, ME Contreras García. 45S5 Bioglass porous scaffolds: structure, composition and bioactivity characterization. 2016, építôanyag § Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials. ISSN:2064-4477, DOI:
Precipitation of lead species in a Pb – H2O system, Ramiro Escudero-García , Eunice Espinoza-Estrada. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT). e-ISSN: 2319-2402,p- ISSN: 2319-2399.Volume 10, Issue 10 Ver. III (Oct. 2016), PP 46-50
Modifying the Surface Charge of Kaolin and Cristobalite Particles by Adding Cations. Ramiro Escudero García, Javier Guilén Aparicio, Diana Cholico González. International Journal of Scientific Research. Vol. 5, No. 11, November 2016, ISSN: 2277-8179.
Chemical precipitation of iron species from diluted ferric aqueous solutions. G. Ramiro Escudero, P. Martín Reyes, C. Francisco Patiño, L. Nohemí Ortiz. Journal of Applied Chemical Science International. 7(3): 160–167, 2017. ISSN: 2395-3705 (P), ISSN: 2395-3713 (O)
Hesham Ahmed, R. Morales-Estrella, Nurin Viswanathan and Seshadri Seetharaman, “Gas-Solid Reaction Route toward the Production of Intermetallics from Their Corresponding Oxide Mixtures,” Metals, 2016, vol. 6 (8), 190:1-21.
Stress corrosion cracking assessment of API X65 steel non-conventionally heat treated. C. Natividad, R. García, V.H. López, R. Galvan-Martinez, M. Salazar, A. Contreras. Materials and Corrosion. 67(4), 352-360, 2016. ISSN: 1521-4176/0947-5117.
FeAl powder fabrication by rapid solidification and water vapour-based process.M. Salazar, V. H. López, N. Bautista, R. Cuamatzi, F. A. Lagos. Powder Metallurgy. 59(5), pp. 314-320, 2016. ISSN: 1743-2901/0032-5899.
- Rubio-González, E. José-Trujillo, F. Chávez, A. Ruiz. Low velocity impact response of composites and fiber metal laminates with open holes. Journal of Composite Materials 51(6) (2017) 797-810.
- Ruiz, K.J. Fuentes-Corona, V.H. López, C.A. León. Microstructural and ultrasonic characterization of 2101 lean duplex stainless steel welded joint. Applied Acoustics 117 (2017) 12-19.
- Salvo, C. Aguilar, R. Cardoso-Gil, A. Medina, L. Bejar, R.V. Mangalaraja. Study on the microstructural evolution of Ti-Nb based alloy obtained by high-energy ball milling.Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol. 720, (2017) Pag. 254-263. ISSN: 0925-8388/1873-4669,
Manuel Rodríguez, Lorenzo Perdomo, Luis Béjar, José A. Moreno, Ariosto Medina, Juan F. Soriano, Ismeli Alfonso. Efecto del V y el Si Sobre la Microestructura de Depósitos Realizados con Electrodos Tubulares Revestidos de Alto Contenido de Mn (Hadfield). Soldagem & Inspecao. Vol. 22, No. 7, (2017) Pag. 249-257. ISSN: 0104-9224/1980-6973,
- Reyes Hernandez, A. Torres islas, S.Serna, A. Molina Ocampo, J. Colin, A. Bedolla Jacuinde. Austenite and forging effects on 18Cr-18Mn stainless Steel impedance. Southafrican Journal of Chemistry, 70(2017).
- Cortes Carrillo, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, I. Mejía, C.M. Zepeda, J. Zuno Silva, F.V. Guerra Lopez.Effects of tungsten on the microstructure and on the abrasive wear behavior of a high-chromium white iron. Wear. 376-377 (2017) 77-85.
- García, J. Aparicio, and D. C. Gonzalez. “Modifying the Surface Charge of Kaolin and Cristobalite Particles by Adding Cations”. Int. J. Sci. Res., vol. 5, 2017.
- Ruiz-Aguilar, E. A. Aguilar-Reyes, A. E. Higareda-Mendoza, C. A. Leon-Patiño (2017) In vitro characterization of 3D beta-tricalcium phosphate scaffolds reinforced with phosphate based-bioactive glass for bone replacement, Key Engineering Materials 720, pp. 108-113. ISSN print: 10139826, ISSN cd: 16629809, ISSN web: 16629795. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
Víctor I. Macías-Andrés, Wei Li, Ena A. Aguilar-Reyes, Yaping Ding, Judith A. Roether, Leila Harhaus, Carlos A. León-Patiño, Aldo R. Boccaccini (2017) Preparation and characterization of 45S5 bioactive glass-based scaffolds loaded with PHBV microspheres with daidzein release function, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 105A (6), pp. 1765-1774. Print ISSN: 15493296; Online ISSN: 15524965. Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Ena A. Aguilar-Reyes, Carlos A. León-Patiño, Esmeralda Villicaña-Molina, Víctor I. Macías-Andrés, Louis-Philippe Lefebvre (2017) Processing and in-vitro bioactivity of high- strength 45S5 glass-ceramic scaffolds for bone regeneration, Ceramics International, 43 (9), pp. 6868-6875. ISSN: 02728842. Elsevier Ltd.
- Ruiz-Aguilar, E. A. Aguilar-Reyes, M. Flores-Martínez, C. A. León-Patiño, R. E. Núñez-Anita (2017) Synthesis and characterization of β-TCP/bioglass/zirconia scaffolds, Advances in Applied Ceramics: Structural, Functional and Bioceramics, 116 (8), pp. 452-461. Print ISSN: 17436753; Online ISSN: 17436761. Taylor & Francis Group.
- I. Macías-Andrés, J. M. Orozco-Sixtos, J. Maldonado-Paleo, E. A. Aguilar-Reyes (2017) Evaluación de la permeabilidad en andamios macroporosos de Bioglass 45S5 para ingeniería de tejidos, Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica, 38 (1), pp. 264-270. ISSN Impreso: 01889532; ISSN en Línea: 23959126. Sociedad Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica (SOMIB), A.C.
- Wan, F. Rao, S. Song, D. F. Cholico-Gonzalez, N. L. Ortiz, “Combination formation in the reinforcement of metakaolin geopolymers with quartz sand”. Cem. Concr. Compos., vol. 80, pp. 115–122, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2017.03.005
Qian Wan, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Ramiro E. García, Ricardo M. Estrella, Carlos L. Patino and Yimin Zhang.“Geopolymerization Reaction, Microstructure and Simulation of Metakaolin-based Geopolymer at Extended Si/Al Ratios”. Cement and Concrete Composites. 2017, vol. 79, pp. 45-52.
Qian Wan, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Carlos Alberto León-Patiño. Geothermal clay-based geopolymer binders: Synthesis and microstructural characterization. Applied Clay Science 146 (2017) 223-229.
Qian Wan, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song. Reexamining calcination of kaolinite for the synthesis of metakaolin geopolymers - roles of dehydroxylation and recrystallization. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 460 (2017) 74-80.
Zhili Li, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song. Comparison of Adsorption of Phenol O-O and N-O Chelating Collectors at the Malachite/Water Interface in Flotation. Minerals 7(20), (2017) 1-10. doi:10.3390/min7020020.
Mares-Briones F. Rosas, G. (2017). Structure and stability of gold nanoparticles synthesized using Schinusmolle L. extract. Journal of Cluster Science, 28(4), 1995-2003. ISSN: 1040-7278 (Print) 1572-8862 (Online).
C Patiño-Carachure, JE Flores-Chan, A Flores Gil, G Rosas, Synthesis of onion-like carbon-reinforced AlCuFe quasicrystals by high-energy ball milling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 694, 15 February 2017, Pages 46–50. ISSN: 0925-8388,
Mendoza-Cachú, D., Mercado-Zúñiga, C., Rosas, G. (2017). Surfactant assisted stabilization of carbon nanotubes synthesized by a spray pyrolysis method. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, 2017. Electronic ISSN: 1687-8124. Print ISSN: 1687-8108.
MT Zamora-Mendoza, J Luis López-Miranda, G Rosas.A green approach for self-assembly of Ag-Au Nanoparticles into 3-D arrays, Materials Letters Volume 186, 1 January 2017, Pages 311–313. ISSN: 0167-577X,
Mercado, V. H., Mejía, I., & Bedolla-Jacuinde, A. (2017). Effect of load and sliding rate on the wear behavior of Ti-containing TWIP steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 26(5), 2213-2225.
Mercado, V. H., Mejía, I., Salinas-Escutia, Y., Bedolla-Jacuinde, A. (2017). Wear Resistance under Non-Lubricated Condition of Nb-Containing TWIP Steel. MRS Advances, 2(61), 3765-3771.
Salas-Reyes, A. E., Mejía, I., Cabrera, J. M. (2017). Influence of Nb microaddition on microstructure and texture evolution in a Fe-21Mn-1.3 Al-1.5 Si-0.5 C TWIP steel under uniaxial hot-tensile conditions. MRS Advances, 2(61), 3797-3803.
García-García, V., Hernández-Belmontes, H., Mejía, I., Reyes-Calderón, F., Maldonado, C. (2017). Effect of the Heat Input on the Heat Affected Zone in the Austenitic Stainless Steel Welding by the GTAW Process-An Experimental and Computational Analysis. MRS Advances, 2(61), 3781-3786.
Mejía, I., Hernández-Belmontes, H., Maldonado, C. (2017). Weldability of High-Mn Austenitic Twinning-Induced Plasticity (TWIP) Steel Microalloyed with Nb. MRS Advances, 2(62), 3899-3908.
- Lozada-Flores, I.A. Figueroa, G.A. Lara, G. Gonzalez, C. Borja-Soto, J.A. Verduzco. Crystallization kinetics of Cu55Hf45 glassy alloy. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (F.I. 2.124), 460 (2017) 1–5. ISSN: 0022-3093. DOI:
Investigation of the effect of inert inclusions on densification during solid-state sintering of metal matrix composites. J.L. Cabezas, Luis Olmos, H.J. Vergara-Hernández, P. Garnica, O. Jiménez, M.L. Mondragón-Sánchez, J. Lemus-Ruiz. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, Vol. 24, No. 5, p. 755-763. DOI:10.1515/secm-2014-0188
Fabrication and evaluation of hybrid components of WC/inconel 600 by liquid state diffusion bonding. Gustavo Castro-Sánchez, Christian I. Otero-Vázquez, José Lemus-Ruiz, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering with Advanced Technology, Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 1-16. DOI:10.18642/jmseat_7100121800
Processing and properties of Titanium alloy based materials with tailored porosity and composition. J.L. Cabezas-Villa, L. Olmos, J. Lemus-Ruiz, D. Bouvard, J. Chavez, O. Jimenez, V.M. Solorio, European Physic Journal Web of Conference, Vol. 140, July, Art. 13007, p. 1-4. (ISSN:2101-6275, DOI:10.1051/epjconf/201714013007)
Hernández Muñoz W., Serrato Rodríguez J., Múñoz Saldaña J., Zárate Medina J. Microstructure and Fracture Toughness of Gadolinium Aluminates Sinthesized via Reverse Chemical Precipitation. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science 6 (6) (2017) 35-41.
Fernando D. Cortés-Vega, P. Martínez Torres, S. E. Borjas-García, J. Zarate-Medina, Solid State Transition from to -Al2O3 Induced by SPEX Mechanical Milling. Microsc. Microanal. 23 (Suppl 1), 2017, P. 1644-1645.
- Rivera-Montalvo, A. Morales-Hernandez, A.A. Barrera-Angeles, R. Alvarez-Romero, C. Falcony, J. Zarate-Medina, Modified Pechini´s method to prepare LaAlO3:RE thermoluminescent materials. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 140, 26 January 2017. (2017), 68–73,
Alfredo Morales Hernández, Mayra A. de León Alfaro, Antonio Barrera Villatoro, Ciro Falcony, Teodoro Rivera Montalvo, Juan Zarate Medina, Luminescence Characteristics of LaAlO3:Eu3+ Obtained by Modified Pechini’s Method. Open Journal of Synthesis Theory and Applications, 2017, 6, 1-12.DOI:,
- Barrera-Villatoro, C. Boronat, T. Rivera-Montalvo, V. Correcher, J. Garcia-Guinea, J. Zarate-Medina, Cathodoluminescence response of natural and synthetic lanthanide-rich phosphates (Ln3+: Ce, Nd. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 141 (2017) 271–275.DOI:
Fernando D. Cortes Vega, Pablo G. Martinez Torres, Juan Pichardo Molina, Nikte M. Gomez Ortiz, Viktor G. Hadjiev, Juan Zarate Medina and Francisco C. Robles Hernandez, Gold nanoparticle SERS substrates sustainable at extremely high temperatures. J. Mater. Chem. C, Vol. 20, 5, 2017, p 4959-4966.
- Torres-Cadenas, Alejandro Bravo-Patiño, Juan Zarate-Medina, María Eugenia Contreras-García. Nest-Like Bao-6Fe2O3 Microspheres with Hierarchical Porous Structure for Drug Delivery. 2017, Építôanyag Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials.ISSN: 2064-4477, DOI:
- Torres-Romero, M. Cajero-Juárez, M. E. Contreras-García. Titania-Ceria Surfactant Assisted Sol-Gel Synthesis and Characterization. 2017, Építôanyag Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials. ISSN: 2064-4477, DOI:
Morales-Estrella, R., Ruiz-Ornelas, J., Ortiz-Lara, N., Mohassab, Y., Sohn, H.Y., “Effect of mechanical activation on the hydrogen reduction kinetics of magnetite concentrate,” Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2017, vol. 130 (2), pp. 713-720.
Assessment of the electrolyte composition in the degree of sensitization in AISI 347H stainless steel. Cruz-Hernández V.L., García-Rentería M.A., García-Hernández R., López-Morelos V.H. Materials Transactions. 58(2), pp. 225-230, 2017. ISSN; 1345-9678.
Effect of electromagnetic interaction during fusion welding of AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel on corrosion resistance. M. A. García-Rentería, V. H. López-Morelos, R. García-Hernández, L. Dzib-Pérez, J. González-Sánchez, F.F. Curiel-López. Applied Surface Science. 396, 1187-1200, 2017. ISSN; 0169-4332.
Metallurgical characterization of API X65 steel joint welded by MIG welding process with axial magnetic field. C. Natividad, R. García, V.H. López, A. Contreras. Materials Research. 20(5), 1174-1178, 2017. ISSN 1980-5373.
Improvement of UNS S32205 duplex welds by GMAW and controlled magnetic field for offshore pipelines and flowlines applications. M. Salazar, R. García, V.H. López, R. Galván-Martínez and A. Contreras. Journal of offshore mechanics and artic engineering. 139(6), 051302-1- 051302-7, 2017. ISSN: 0892-7219. eISSN: 1528-896X 10.1115/1.4036911
Electrochemical assessment of X70 steel with non-conventional heat treatment. L. R. Jacobo, R. García, V. H. López, A. Contreras. MRS Advances, 2(50), 2819–2829, 2017. Electronic ISSN 2059-852. DOI: 10.1557/adv.2017.518
M.R. Barajas-Alvarez, A. Ruiz, V.H. López-Morelos. Effect of Gradual Precipitation of α2 Particles on Mechanical Properties of Ti–6Al–4V Alloy. MRS Advances 3(62) (2018) 3629-3634.
- Gutiérrez-Vargas, A. Ruiz, J.-Y. Kim, L.J. Jacobs. Characterization of thermal embrittlement in 2507 super duplex stainless steel using nonlinear acoustic effects. NDT & E International 94 (2018) 101-108.
- Aguilar, A. Medina, O.J. Hernández, L. Béjar, C. Parra. Thermodynamic analysis of Fe contamination in Cu-Mo alloys processed by mechanical alloying. Philosophical Magazine Letters, Vol. 98, No. 8, (2018) Pag. 341-349.ISSN: 0950-0839/1362-3036,
Engelbert Huape Padilla, Ariosto Medina Flores, Claudio Aguilar Ramírez, Ismeli Alfonso López, Luis Béjar Gómez. Electrochemical corrosion characterization of nickel aluminides in acid rain. Materia-Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 23, No. 2, (2018) Pag. e-11998. ISSN: 1517-7076. 10.1590/S1517-707620180002.0335
Manuel Rodríguez-Pérez, Lorenzo Perdomo-González, José A. Escobedo, Luis Béjar, Ariosto Medina, Juan F. Soriano, Ismeli Alfonso. Análisis microestructural de revestimientos de fundiciones blancas hipoeutécticas con adiciones de Si y V. Revista de Metalurgia Vol. 52, No. 2, (2018) Pag. e117. ISSN: ISSN: 0034-8570/1988-4222,
Synthesis and properties of pulsed electric current sintered AlN/Cu composites. Carlos A. León-Patiño, Deisy Ramirez-Vinasco, Ena A. Aguilar-Reyes and Makoto Nanko.MRS Advances, 3 (62) pp. 3611-3619, 2018.
Qian Wan, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Ricardo Morales-Estrella, Xian Xie, Xiong Tong, “Chemical forms of lead immobilization in alkali-activated binders based on mine tailings,” Cement and Concrete Composites, 2018, vol. 92, pp. 198-204.
Zhi-li Li, Feng Rao, Shao-xian Song, Yan-mei Li, and Wen-biao Liu. Slime coating of kaolinite on chalcopyrite in saline water flotation. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 25(5) (2018) 481-488.
Zhili Li, Feng Rao, Ramiro Escudero García, Hongqiang Li, Shaoxian Song. Partial replacement of sodium oleate using alcohols with different chain structures in malachite flotation. Minerals Engineering. 127 (2018) 185-190.
Xing Li, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Mario A. Corona-Arroyo, Noemi Ortiz-Lara, Ena A. Aguilar-Reyes. Effects of aggregates on the mechanical properties and microstructure of geothermal metakaolin-based geopolymers. Results in Physics, 11 (2018) 267-273.
Flores-Chan, J. E., Bedolla-Jacuinde, A., Patiño-Carachure, C., Rosas, G., Espinosa-Medina, M. A. (2018). Corrosion study of Al–Fe (20 wt-%) alloy in artificial sea water with NaOH additions. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 57(2), 201-209.ISSN. 0008-4433.
López-Miranda, J. L., González, M. V., Mares-Briones, F., Cervantes-Chávez, J. A., Esparza, R., Rosas, G., Pérez, R. (2018). Catalytic and antibacterial evaluation of silver nanoparticles synthesized by a green approach. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 44(12), 7479-7490. ISSN: 0922-6168.
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Vargas, V. H., Mejia, I., Baltazar-Hernández, V. H., Maldonado, C. (2018). Characterization of resistance spot welded transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) steels with different silicon and carbon contents. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 32, 307-317.
Hernández-Belmontes, H., Mejía, I., García-García, V., Maldonado, C. (2018). Heat Input Effect on the Microstructure of Twinning-Induced Plasticity (TWIP) Steel Welded Joints Through the GTAW Process. MRS Advances, 3(64), 3949-3956.
García-García, V., Mejía, I., Reyes-Calderón, F. (2018). Comparative study on weldability of Ti-containing TWIP and AISI 304L austenitic steels through the autogenous-GTAW process. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 98(9), 2365-2376.
García-García, V., Mejía, I., Reyes-Calderón, F. (2018). Experimental and FEM study of Ti-containing TWIP steel weldability. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 261, 107-122.
García-García, V., Mejía, I., Reyes-Calderón, F. (2018). Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Autogenous GTAW Weld in High-Manganese Austenitic Steel Ti-Containing with Thermal Analysis. MRS Advances, 3(64), 3963-3969.
Díaz-Martínez, G. Y., Mejía, I., García-García, V., Bedolla-Jacuinde, A. (2018). Metallographic, Structural and Mechanical Characterization of REM-Containing Fe-30Mn-8Al-1.8 C Low Density Steel in As-Cast Condition. MRS Advances, 3(64), 3957-3962.
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Sintering study of Ti6Al4V powders with different particle sizes and their mechanical properties.J.L. Cabezas-Villa, J. Lemus-Ruiz, D. Bouvard, O. Jiménez, H.J. Vergara-Hernández, L. Olmos. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, Vol. 25, No. 12, p.1389-1401. DOI: 10.1007/s12613-018-1693-5
Processing and properties of highly porous Ti6Al4V mimicking human bones. Cabezas-Villa José Luis, Olmos Luis, Bouvard Didier, Lemus-Ruiz José, Jimenez Omar. Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 33, No. 6, p. 650-661. DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2018.35
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Fernando D. Cortes-Vega, Wenli Yang, J. Zarate-Medina, Stanko R. Brankovic, José M. Herrera Ramírez and Francisco C. Robles Hernandez.Room-temperature synthesis of chi-Al2O3 and ruby (alpha-Cr:Al2O3). CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 3505-3511. published on 21 May 2018. DOI:
Federico González, Rigoberto López-Juárez, Hector D. Orozco-Hernández, Juan Zarate-Medina, Rabindra Khadka, John Collinse Baldassare Di Bartolo.Structural, mechanical, thermal and optical properties of Yb, Pr-doped Y4Zr3O12 ceramics.Ceramics International. Volume 44, Issue 15, 15 October 2018, Pages 17681-17687.
L.B., López-Sosa, L.M., Hernández-Ramírez, M., González-Avilés, H., Servín-Campuzano, J., Zárate-Medina. Development a low cost solar absorber coating based on soot of biomass-forest: thermal characterization and application in a solar cooking system. Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, [S.l.], v. 17, n. 2, p. 651-668, mar. 2018. Available at: <>.
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Uriel Caudillo-Flores, Mario J. Muñoz-Batista, Anna Kubacka, Juan Zárate-Medina, José A. Cortés, Marcos Fernández-García.Measuring and interpreting quantum efficiency of acid blue 9 photodegradation using TiO2-based catalysts. Applied Catalysis A: General, Volume 550, 25 January 2018, Pages 38-47, Netherlands
M.A. de León-Alfaro, A. Morales-Hernández, J. Roman- Lopez, J. Zarate-Medina and T. Rivera-Montalvo, Optically and thermally stimulated luminescence characteristics of LaAlO3:Pr3+ beta irradiated. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Volume 132, February 2018, Pages 57-60.
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Abad-Javier, M.E., Nuñez-Anita, R.E., Cajero-Juárez, M., Contreras-García, M.E. Comparability in bioactivity assays of 45s5 bioglass scaffolds using simulated body fluid and rabbit blood plasma. 2018, IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS). ISSN: e-2278-3008, p-2319-7676. DOI: 10.9790/3008-1304061323
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Susceptibility to the absorption of atomic hydrogen in API 5LX60 steels with unconventional heat treatment. D. Calan-Canche, R. García-Hernández, L. Dzib-Pérez, O. L. Bilyy, and J. González-Sánchez. Materials Science, Vol. 54, No. 4, January, 2019 (Ukrainian Original Vol. 54, No. 4, July–August, 2018). DOI 10.1007/s11003-019-00220-3
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Criseida Ruiz-Aguilar, Ulises Olivares-Pinto, Ena A. Aguilar-Reyes, Rigoberto López-Juárez, Ismeli Alfonso (2018) Characterization of β-tricalcium phosphate powders synthesized by sol–gel and mechanosynthesis, Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, 57 (5), pp. 213-220. Print-ISSN: 03663175. Elsevier España, S.L.U.
Chemical Precipitation of Nickel Species from Waste Water. Ramiro Escudero, G., Eunice Espinoza, E., & Rao, F. (2017). International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 15(2), 1-7.
CFD Simulation of a sparger type venturi to generate bubbles in a two-phaseflotation system. J.E. Gembe Huaroco, R. Escudero García, H. Arcos Gutierrez. Interciencia Journal, 2018. Vol. 43, No. 2, ISSN: 0378-1844, pp 263-269.
Mechanical properties of Inconel 718 welds performed by tungsten arc welding. R. Cortés, E. R. Barragán, V. H. López, R. R. Ambriz, D. Jaramillo. The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology. 94(9-12), 3949–3961, February 2018. ISSN: 0268-3768 (Print) 1433-3015 (Online).
Fatigue resistance of AL6XN super-austenitic stainless steel welded with electromagnetic interaction of low intensity during GMAW. I.S. Cortés-Cervantes, V.H. López-Morelos, Y. Miyashita, R. García-Hernández, A. Ruiz-Marines, M. A. Garcia-Renteria. The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology. 99(9-12), 2849–2862, Diciembre 2018. ISSN: 0268-3768 (Print) 1433-3015 (Online).
M.R. Barajas-Álvarez, A. Ruiz, H. Carreόn, V.H. Lόpez. Application of the thermoelectric effect for monitoring over aging effects on Ti-6Al-4V alloy. AIP Conference Proceedings 2102(1) (2019) 060010.
L.Y. Herrera, A. Ruiz, H. Carreón, V.H. López. Application of the thermoelectric effect for monitoring aging effects on Inconel 600. AIP Conference Proceedings 2102(1) (2019) 060007.
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L.Y. Herrera-Chávez, A. Ruiz, V.H. López-Morelos, C. Rubio-González. Microstructural characterization and mechanical response of Inconel 600 welded joint. Materials Characterization 157 (2019) 109882.
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Benjamín Vargas-Arista, Oscar Mendoza-Camargo, Irineo P. Zaragoza-Rivera, Ariosto Medina-Flores, Alberto Cueva-Salgado, Elizabeth Garfias-García, Felipe García-Vázquez. Influence of heat input on the Charpy ductile fracture behavior of reheated HAZ in GMAW multilayer welded joints on HSLA steel using digital fractographic analysis. Revista de Metalurgia, Vol. 55, No. 2, (2019) Pag. e143. ISSN: 0034-8570/1988-4222,
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Oscar Hernández, Claudio Aguilar, Ariosto Medina. Effects of Mo Concentration on the Structural and Corrosion Properties of Cu-Alloy. Metals, Vol. 9, No. 12, (2019) Pag. 1307- 1318. ISSN: 2075-4701. DOI:10.3390 /met9121307.
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F.V. Guerra, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, J. Zuno Silva, I. Mejía, E. Cardoso and A. Arenas Flores.Effect of the simultaneous Ti and W addition to the microstructure and wear behavior of a high-chromium white cast irons. Metallurgical research and Technology. 116 (2019) 1-11.
Microstructure, mechanical and thermal properties of Ni matrix composites reinforced with high-volume TiC. C.A.León-Patiño, M.Braulio-Sánchez, E.A.Aguilar-Reyes, E.Bedolla-Becerril. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 792, pp. 1102-1111, 2019.
Dry sliding wear behavior of infiltrated particulate reinforced Ni/TiC composites.C.A. León-Patiño, M. Braulio-Sánchez, E.A. Aguilar-Reyes, E. Bedolla-Becerril, A.Bedolla-Jacuinde, Wear. 426-427, pp. 989-995, 2019.
Tribological characterization of heat-treated Ni-P and Ni-P-Al2O3 composite coatings by reciprocating sliding tests.C.A.León-Patiño, J.García-Guerra, E.A. Aguilar-Reyes, Wear. 426-427, pp. 330-340, 2019.
Cindy Sinaí Velázquez-González, Ena Athenea Aguilar-Reyes, Rosa Elvira Núñez-Anita, Carlos Alberto León-Patiño (2019) Preparation and characterization of chitosan microspheres for controlled release of Rh-BMP-2, MRS Advances, 4 (59-60), pp. 3259-3267. E-ISSN: 20598521. Springer.
Villicaña‐ Molina E, Aguilar‐ Reyes EA, León‐ Patiño CA, Nuñez‐ Anita RE (2019) Preparation of CEL2 glass‐ceramic porous scaffolds coated with chitosan microspheres that have a drug delivery function, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 16 (5), pp. 1812-1822. Print-ISSN: 1546542X. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Qian Wan, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Carlos A. Leon-Patino, Yingqiang Ma, Wanzhong Yin. Consolidation of mine tailings through geopolymerization at ambient temperature. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 102 (2019) 2451-2461. DOI: 10.1111/jace.16183.
Zhili Li, Feng Rao, Mario A. Corona-Arroyo, Arnoldo Bedolla-Jacuinde, Shaoxian Song. Comminution effect on surface roughness and flotation behavior of malachite particles. Minerals Engineering. 132 (2019) 1-7.
Xing Li, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song & Qinyong Ma. Effect of cristobalite on the mechanical behaviour of metakaolin-based geopolymer in artificial seawater. Advances in Applied Ceramics, (2019) 1-8.
Qian Wan, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Yimin Zhang. Immobilization forms of ZnO in the solidification/stabilization (S/S) of a zinc mine tailing through geopolymerization. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 8(6) (2019) 5728-5735.
Zhili Li, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Alejandro Uribe-Salas, Alejandro López Valdivieso. Reexamining the Adsorption of Octyl Hydroxamate on Malachite Surface: Forms of Molecules and Anions. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, an International Journal. (2019) 1-9.
Zhili Li, Feng Rao, Bao Guo, Weiran Zuo, Shaoxian Song, Alejandro López-Valdivieso. Effects of calcium ions on malachite flotation with octyl hydroxamate. Minerals Engineering, 141 (2019) 1-7.
Zhili Li, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Alejandro Uribe-Salas, Alejandro López-Valdivieso. Effects of common ions on adsorption and flotation of malachite with salicylaldoxime. Colloids and Surfaces A. 577 (2019) 421-428.
Xing Li, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Qinyong Ma. Deterioration in the microstructure of metakaolin-based geopolymers in marine environment. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 8(3) (2019) 2747-2752.
Mendoza-Cachú, D., Herrero-Calvillo, R., López-Miranda, J. L., Esparza, R., Rosas, G. (2019). FeGa2O4 nanowires preparation after milling and annealing of Fe doped GaN samples. Journal of Crystal Growth, 526, 125220. ISSN: 0022-0248.
Aguilar, M. S., Esparza, R., Rosas, G. (2019). Time-dependent facile synthesis of CuO hedgehog-like nanostructures and their catalytic activity. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 277, 46-53. ISSN: 0022-4596
Aguilar, M. S., Esparza, R., Rosas, G. (2019). Synthesis of Cu nanoparticles by chemical reduction method. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 29(7), 1510-1515. ISSN: 1003-6326.
Aguilar, M. S., Rosas, G. (2019). A new synthesis of Cu2O spherical particles for the degradation of methylene blue dye. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 11, 100195. ISSN: 2215-1532.
Aguilar, M. S., Rosas, G. (2019). Facile synthesis of Cu2O particles with different morphologies. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 270, 192-199. ISSN: 0022-4596. 01/02/2019.
Mares, F., Barragan, O., López, J., Esparza, R., Rosas-Trejo, G. (2019). Bimetallic Ag@ Pt core-shell nanoparticles and their catalytic activity by a green approach. Materials Research Express. ISSN, 20531591.
López-Miranda, J. L., Esparza, R., Rosas, G., Pérez, R., Estévez-González, M. (2019). Catalytic and antibacterial properties of gold nanoparticles synthesized by a green approach for bioremediation applications. 3 Biotech, 9(4), 135. ISSN: 2190-572X. 10.1007/s13205-019-1666-z
Higareda, A., Kumar-Krishnan, S., García-Ruiz, A. F., Maya-Cornejo, J., Lopez-Miranda, J. L., Bahena, D., Rosas, G., Perez, R., Esparza, R. (2019). Synthesis of Au@ Pt core—shell nanoparticles as efficient electrocatalyst for methanol electro-oxidation. Nanomaterials, 9(11), 1644.
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García-García, V., Mejía, I., Reyes-Calderón, F. (2019). Quantitative metallographic characterization of welding microstructures in Ti-containing TWIP steel by means of image processing analysis. Materials Characterization, 147, 1-10.
Vargas, V. H., Mejia, I., Baltazar-Hernández, V. H., Maldonado, C. (2019). Effect of retained austenite and nonmetallic inclusions on the thermal/electrical properties and resistance spot welding nuggets of Si-containing TRIP steels. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials, 26(1), 52-63.
García-García, V., Mejía, I., Reyes-Calderón, F. (2019). Two-dimensional Monte Carlo–Voronoi simulation of grain growth and nucleation in the heat affected zone of TWIP-Ti welds. Materialia, 5, 100223.
García-García, V., Mejía, I., Reyes-Calderón, F. (2019). Improved thermal FE numerical model/DoE based on the Taguchi method to estimate weld penetration/energy and non-metallic inclusions: a case study in Ti-containing TWIP steel butt joints. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 105(1), 101-120.
Salas-Reyes, A. E., Mejía, I., Ruíz-Baltazar, Á., Cabrera, J. M. (2019). Transmission Electron Microscopy Characterization and High‐Resolution Modeling of Second‐Phase Particles of V‐and Ti‐Containing Twinning‐Induced Plasticity Steel under Uniaxial Hot‐Tensile Condition. Steel Research International, 90(9), 1900098.
Vargas Cortés, V. H., Altamirano Guerrero, G., Mejía Granados, I., Baltazar Hernández, V. H., Maldonado Zepeda, C. (2019). Effect of retained austenite and non-metallic inclusions on the mechanical properties of resistance spot welding nuggets of low-alloy TRIP steels. Metals, 9(10), 1064.
Coronado-Alba, C. E., Mejía, I. (2019). Metallographic, structural and mechanical characterization of low-density austenitic Fe-Mn-Al-C steels microalloyed with Ti/B and Ce/La in hot-rolling condition. The role of chromium during austempering of ductile iron MRS Advances, 4(57), 3087-3095.
Zhili Li, Feng Rao, Xiaoming Lou, Shaoxian Song, Alejandro López-Valdivieso. Floc-Flotation of Malachite Fines with an Octyl Hydroxamate and Kerosene Mixture. Minerals 9(301) 1-13. doi:10.3390/min9050301.
Rodrigo Alan Martínez Molina, José Egberto Bedolla Becerril, Ena Athenea Aguilar Reyes, Raul Alejando Pulido Aguilar, Carlos Arreola Fernandez. Fabrication and characterization of aluminum nitride sponges using a mixture of two porous formation methods. MRS Advances. 4 (54), pp. 2977-2987, 2019.
Effect of Silver nanoparticless in the structure and mechanical properties of mullite/Ag cermets. M. Gabriela Téllez-Arias, José G. Miranda-Hernández, Oscar Olea-Mejía,J. Lemus-Ruiz, Eduardo Terrés. Science of Sintering, Vol. 51, No. 2, p. 175-187. DOI:10.2298/SOS1902175T
Analysis of compression and permeability behavior of porous Ti6Al4V by computed microtomography. L. Olmos, D. Bouvard, J.L. Cabezas-Villa, J, Lemus-Ruiz, O. Jimenez, D. Arteaga. Metals and Materials International, Vol. 25, No. 2, p. 669-682. DOI: 10.1007/s12540-018-00223-w
Brazing WC-Co to Inconel 600 using carbon nanotubes reinforced Cu-Zn filler metal. G. Castro-Sánchez, G. Mendoza-Suarez, R.A.L. Drew, J. Lemus-Ruiz, in Mater. Sci & Tech., Ohio, Oct. MS&T18, p. 816-821. DOI:10.7449/2018/MST_2018_816_821
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Fernando D. Cortes‐Vega, Wenli Yang, Juan Zarate‐Medina, Stanko R. Brankovic, H. A. Calderon, Francisco C. Robles Hernandez, Mechanochemical synthesis of alpha-Al2O3-Cr3+ (Ruby) and chi-Al2O3. Journal of the American Ceramic Soc. 04 January 2019. Volume 102, Issue 3, P 976-980, March 2019.
Ulises Zurita Luna, Juan Zárate Medina, Anayeli Yazmin Gallegos Hernández, Rafael Romero Toledo, José Apolinar Cortés. Effect of temperature, pressure and power in obtaining TiO2 and TiO2-Fe via microwaves and evaluation of photocatalytic activity with synthesis. Acta Universitaria, Vol 29, Published April 8, 2019. ISSN online: 2007-9621, p 1-13.
M.E.Abad-Javier, M.Cajero-Juárez, R.E.Nuñez-Anita, M.E.Contreras-García. Effect of collagen type I and vitamin D3 functionalization of biomimetic bioglassscaolds on hydroxyapatite condensation. 2019, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN:0955-2219, DOI:
Study of the properties of the echerhirhu-block made with opuntia ficus for use in the construction industry. Javier Guillen Aparicio, Erik García De León Montera, Noemí Ortiz Lara, Ramiro Escudero Garcia, María Neftalí Rojas-Valencia. Case Studies in Construction Materials. Volume 10, June 2019, e00216.
A Cerdán-Pasarán, S Sidhik, T López-Luke, E De la Rosa. Improved performance of inverted planar MAPbI3 based perovskite solar cells using bromide post-synthesis treatment. Solar Energy 177, 538-544, 2019.
G Ramírez-García, E De la Rosa, T López-Luke, SS Panikar, P Salas. Controlling trapping states on selective theranostic core@ shell (NaYF 4: Yb, Tm@ TiO2-ZrO2 nanocomplexes for enhanced NIR-activated photodynamic therapy against breast. Dalton Transactions 48 (27), 9962-9973, 2019.
Gonzalo Ramírez-García, Erik Díaz Cervantes, Oussama Mounzer, Elder De la Rosa, Tzarara López Luke, Fabiola N. de la Cruz. A Turn-On Luminescence Method for Phosphate Determination Based on Fast Green-Functionalized ZrO2:Yb,Er@ZrO2 Core@Shell Upconversion Nanoparticles. Analytical chemistry 91 (22), 14657-14665 3, 2019.
D Esparza, S Sidhik, T López-Luke, JM Rivas, E De la Rosa. Light-induced effects on crystal size and photo-stability of colloidal CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals. Materials Research Express 6 (4), 0450413, 2019.
Marco Polo Montoya Ovalle, Siraj Sidhik, Diego Esparza Salazar, Tzarara López Luke, Isaac Zarazua, Jesús Manuel Rivas Martínez, Elder De la Rosa. Study of inverted planar CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cells fabricated under environmental conditions. Solar Energy 180, 594-600.
S Sidhik, J Velusamy, E De la Rosa, SA Pérez-García, G Ramos-Ortiz. Role of carbon nanodots in defect passivation and photo-sensitization of mesoscopic-TiO2 for perovskite solar cells. Carbon 146, 388-398 5, 2019.
A Cerdán-Pasarán, T López-Luke, X Mathew, NR Mathews. Effect of cobalt doping on the device properties of Sb2S3-sensitized TiO2 solar cells. Solar Energy 183, 697-703 5, 2019.
A Sánchez-Solís, F Karim, MS Alam, Q Zhan, T López-Luke, C Zhao. Print metallic nanoparticles on a fiber probe for 1064-nm surface-enhanced Raman. Scattering Optics letters 44 (20), 4997-50001, 2019.
G Ramírez-García, MÁ Honorato-Colin, E De la Rosa, T López-Luke, et. al. Theranostic nanocomplex of gold-decorated upconversion nanoparticles for optical imaging and temperature-controlled photothermal therapy. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 384, 112053 3, 2019.
Fatigue and crack growth behavior of Inconel 718–AL6XN dissimilar welds. R. Cortés, N.K. Rodríguez, R.R. Ambriz, V.H. López, A. Ruiz, D. Jaramillo. Materials science and engineering A. 745, 20-30, 2019. ISSN 0921-5093.
Effect of non-conventional heat treatment of API X60 pipeline steel on corrosion resistance and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility. L. R. Jacobo, R. García, V.H. López, A. Contreras. Anti-corrosion methods and materials. 66(3), 274-285, 2019. ISSN 0003-5599.
Effect of a magnetic field applied during fusion welding on the fatigue damage of 2205 duplex stainless steel joints. J. Rosado-Carrasco, U. Krupp, V.H. López-Morelos, A. Giertler, M.A. García-Rentería, J. González-Sánchez. International Journal of Fatigue. 121, 243-251, 2019. ISSN 0142-1123.
- Rubio-González, A. Ruiz, V. Granados-Alejo, J.A. Banderas, C. Vazquez-Becerra. Improvement of Fatigue Resistance and Fracture Toughness of Thermally Aged Duplex Stainless Steel by Laser Shock Peening. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 29(1) (2020) 53-65.
- Rubio-González, A. Ruiz, V. Granados-Alejo, J.A. Banderas, C. Vazquez-Becerra. Improvement of Fatigue Resistance and Fracture Toughness of Thermally Aged Duplex Stainless Steel by Laser Shock Peening. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 29(1) (2020) 53-65.
L.Y. Herrera-Chávez, A. Ruiz, V.H. López-Morelos, C. Rubio-González, M.R. Barajas-Álvarez, A.B. Jacuinde. Microstructural and mechanical characterization of the effect of the welding process on creep behavior of welded joint and base metal specimens of Inconel 600. MRS Advances 5(59) (2020) 3003-3014.
- Ibarra, E. Rodríguez, M.A. González, S. López Cuenca, A. Medina, G.I. Vásquez. Erosion behavior of 440C stainless Steel cryogenically treated. Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, Vol.19, No. 3, (2020) Pag. 1255-1264. ISSN: 1665-2738/2395-8472,
- Aguilar, E. Pio, A. Medina, C. Parra, R. Mangalaraja, P. Martin, I. Alfonso, K. Tello. Effect of Sn on synthesis of nanocrystalline Ti-based alloy with fcc structure. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Vol. 30, (2020) Pag. 2119-2131.ISSN: 1003-6326/2210-3384, DOI: 10.1016/S1003-6326(20)65365-1
Luis Bernardo López-Sosa, Mauricio González-Avilés, Luis Mariano Hernández-Ramírez, Ariosto Medina-Flores, Tzarara López-Luke, Mariela Bravo-Sánchez, Juan Zárate-Medina. Ecological solar absorber coating: Aproposal for the use of residual biomass and recycled materials for energy conversion. Solar Energy, Vol. 202, (2020) Pag. 238-248. ISSN: 0038-092X/1471-1257
- Medina, J. Oseguera, H. Carreón, J. Ibarra, C. Aguilar. Analysis of microstructural parameters and quantification of phases in a plasma-nitrided AISI 4140 steel, Philosophical Magazine Letters, Vol. 100, No. 9, (2020) Pag. 452-460. ISSN: 0950-0839/1362-3036,
Edgar Iván Pio López, Pablo Ignacio Martin Saint-Laurence, Claudio Eduardo Aguilar Ramirez, Luis Béjar Gómez, Ariosto Medina Flores, Fernando De Las Cuevas Jiménez, Ismeli AlfonsoLópez. Study of X-ray diffraction profiles of a Ti-13Ta-3Sn alloy obtained by mechanical alloying. Revista Materia, Vol. 5, No. 2, (2020) Pag. 1-10. ISSN: 1517-7076, DOI: 10.1590/S1517-707620200002.1013
Carola Martínez, Francisco Briones, Nicolas Araya, Claudio Aguilar, Izabel Machado, Carolina Guerra, Ariosto Medina, Mamie Sancy. Influence of the synthesis technique on tribological behavior of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Materials Letters 281 (2020), Pag. 128627. ISSN:0167-577X, DOI: 10.1016/J.MATLET.2020.128627
- Torres Islas, F.V. Guerra, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, A. Molina Ocampo, S. Serna, B. Campillo, H. Martinez.Development and Corrosion Characterization of Ultra-High- Strength Steels. International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 15 (2020) 11112-11122.
- Contreras, A. Lopez, E.J. Gutierrez, B. Fernandez, A. Salinas, R. Deaquino, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, R. Saldaña, I. Reyes, J. Aguilar, R. Cruz, “An approach for the design of multiphase advanced high-strength steels based on the behavior of CCT diagrams simulated from the intercritical temperature range”. Materials Science and Engineering A. 722 (2020) p. 138708.
- Sanchez, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, F.V. Guerra, I. Mejía. Microstructural modification of a static and dynamically solidified high-chromium white cast iron alloyed with vanadium additions. Results in Materials 7 (2020) p. 100114.
- Bedolla-Jacuinde, R. A. Hernández, F.V. Guerra, I. Mejía. The role of chromium during austempering of ductile iron. Metallurgical research and Technology 117 (2020) 1-10.
- Sanchez, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, F.V. Guerra, I. Mejía. Vanadium Additions to a High-Cr White Iron and its Effects on the Abrasive Wear Behavior. MRS Advances 5 (2020) p. 3077-3089.
- Santoveña, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, F.V. Guerra. Sliding Wear Behavior of Ti-6Al-1.5V- 1Mo-0.5Zr-0.1C Alloy Modified with Small Additions of Ru and Different V and Mo Contents. MRS Advances 5 (2020) p. 3065-3075.
L.E. Gonzalez, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, E. Cortés C., F.V. Guerra, A. Ruiz. Dry sliding wear of a Ni-based superalloy as a function of the aging time. MRS Advances 5 (2020) p. 3091-3102.
L.E. Gonzalez, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, F.V. Guerra, A. Ruiz. Influence of Rare Earth Additions to an Inconel 718 Alloy. MRS Advances 5 (2020) p. 3035-3043.
Preparation of AlN-Cu composite powders by electroless plating of controlled oxidized nitride particles to prevent degradation by hydrolysis. D.Ramírez-Vinasco, C.A.León-Patiño, E.A.Aguilar-Reyes, M.I.Pech-Canul,Advanced Powder Technology. 31 (3), pp. 937-946, 2020.
Electrochemical evaluation of a discontinuously reinforced TiC/Ni-20Cr composite, Rocio J. Gonzalez-Esquivel, Carlos A. Leon-Patiño, Ricardo Galvan-Martinez, Ena A. Aguilar-Reyes.MRS Advances. 4 (63), pp. 3495-3503, 2020.
Effect of nickel content in the corrosion process of TiC/Cu-Ni composites immersed in synthetic seawater.Miguel A. Téllez-Villaseñor, Carlos A. León Patino, Ricardo Galván Martínez and Ena A. Aguilar Reyes.MRS Advances, 4 (63), pp. 3475-3484, 2020.
- Cholico-González, N. Ortiz Lara, A. M. Fernández Macedo, J. Chavez Salas, “Adsorption Behavior of Pb(II), Cd(II), and Zn(II) onto Agave Bagasse, Characterization, and Mechanism”. ACS Omega, vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 3302–3314, Feb. 2020. doi:10.1021/acsomega.9b03385
Esmeralda Villicaña-Molina, Edith Pacheco-Contreras, Ena Athenea Aguilar-Reyes, Carlos Alberto León-Patiño (2020) Pectin and chitosan microsphere preparation via a water/oil emulsion and solvent evaporation method for drug delivery, International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 69 (7), pp. 467-475. Print-ISSN: 00914037, E-ISSN: 1563535X. Taylor & Francis Group.
Criseida Ruiz-Aguilar, Luz Eugenia Alcántara-Quintana, Ena Athenea Aguilar-Reyes, U. Olivares-Pinto (2020) Fabrication, characterization, and in vitro evaluation of β-TCP/ZrO2-phosphate-based bioactive glass scaffolds for bone repair,Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Available online 5 October 2020. Print-ISSN: 03663175.Elsevier B.V.
- Ruiz-Aguilar, U. Olivares-Pinto, R.A.L. Drew, E.A. Aguilar-Reyes, I. Alfonso (2020) Porogen effect on structural and physical properties of β-TCP scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration, IRBM, Available online 22 May 2020. ISSN:19590318. Elsevier B.V.
Xiang Tian, Feng Rao, Carlos Alberto Leon-Patiño, Shaoxian Song. Effects of aluminum on the expansion and microstructure of alkali-activated MSWI fly ash-based pastes. Chemosphere, 240 (2020) 1-5.
Xiang Tian, Feng Rao, Carlos Alberto Leon-Patiño, Shaoxian Song. Co-disposal of MSWI fly ash and spent caustic through alkaline-activation: Immobilization of heavy metals and organics. Cement and Composites, 14 (2020) 1-9.
Xiang Tian, Wangyang Xu, Shaoxian Song, Feng Rao, Ling Xia. Effects of curing temperature on the compressive strength and microstructure of copper tailing-based geopolymers. Chemosphere, 253 (2020) 1-8.
Jie Wu, Jing Li, Feng Rao, Wanzhong Yin. Mechanical property and structural evolution of alkali-activated slagphosphate mine tailings mortars. Chemosphere. 251 (2020) 1-6.
Xiang Tian, Feng Rao, Ricardo Morales-Estrella, Shaoxian Song “Effects of Aluminum Dosage on Gel Formation and Heavy Metal Immobilization in Alkali-Activated Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Fly Ash”. Energy & Fuels. 2020, vol. 34 (4), pp. 4727-4733.
Xing Li, Owen Xu Li, Feng Rao, Shaoxian Song, Noemi Ortiz-Lara, Ena A. Aguilar-Reyes. Microstructural evolution in sulfate solutions of alkali-activated binders synthesized at various calcium contents. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 9(5) (2020) 10377-10385.
Patiño-Carachure, C., Martínez-Vargas, S., Flores-Chan, J. E., Rosas, G. (2020). Synthesis of carbon nanostructures by graphite deformation during mechanical milling in air. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon.
Villalpando, M., Saavedra-Molina, A., Rosas, G. (2020). A facile synthesis of silver nanowires and their evaluation in the mitochondrial membrane potential. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 114, 110973. 28(11), 869-876.
Hernández-Torres, A. G., López-Miranda, J. L., Santos-Ramos, I., Rosas, G. (2020). Hydrogen generation performance of Al–20at% Ca alloy synthesized by mechanical alloying [J]. AIMS Materials Science. 7(2), 144-156. ISSN: 23720484, 23720468.DOI: 10.3934/matersci.2020.2.144
Herrero-Calvillo, R., Santoveña-Uribe, A., Esparza, R., Rosas, G. (2020). A photocatalytic and electrochemical study of gold nanoparticles synthesized by a green approach. Materials Research Express. 7(1), 015019.
Sánchez-Cuevas, J. J., Zárate-Medina, J., Navarro, O., Mercado-Zúñiga, C., Reynoso-Marín, F. J., Rosas, G. (2020). Microstructure and microhardness of the Al-10Mg alloy processed by the mechanical alloying technique. Science of Sintering, 52(2), 123-133 ISSN: 1820-7413 (online); 0350-820X (print)
Carpintero, E. M., Ramos, I. S., Rosas, G., Medina, M. E., Sarmiento-Bustos, E., Lopez-Sesenes, R., Gonzalez-Rodriguez, J. G. (2020). Al-Mg Alloys prepared by Mechanically Alloying Reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes and their Corrosion Behavior in Bioethanol. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci, 15, 3029-3039.doi: 10.20964/2020.04.10
Hernández-Belmontes, H., Mejía, I., Antonio Benito, J., Maria Cabrera, J. (2020). Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Ti‐Containing Twinning‐Induced Plasticity Steel Welded Joint Produced by Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process. Steel Research International, 91(9), 2000129.
García-García, V., Mejía, I., Reyes-Calderón, F., Hernández-Belmontes, H. (2020). Thermo-mechanical-microstructural simulation of double-pass welding process in a TWIP steel by FE formulation and probabilistic model. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 111(3), 1115-1134.
Mijangos, D., I. Mejía, J. M. Cabrera. "Characterization of inclusions and second-phase particles in high-Mn TWIP steels microalloyed with Ti, Ti/B, Nb, V and Mo, in as-solutioned condition." MRS Advances 5.59 (2020): 3023-3033.
García-García, V., Mejía, I., Reyes-Calderón, F., Benito, J. A., Cabrera, J. M. (2020). FE thermo-mechanical simulation of welding residual stresses and distortion in Ti-containing TWIP steel through GTAW process. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 59, 801-815.
Sánchez, A., Bedolla-Jacuinde, A., Guerra, F. V., Mejía, I. (2020). Vanadium Additions to a High-Cr White Iron and its Effects on the Abrasive Wear Behavior. MRS Advances, 5(59), 3077-3089.
Juan C. Carranza, Bertha Y. Casas, Ismeli Alfonso, Luis Pérez, Robin A. L. Drew, Jorge A. Verduzco, Ignacio A. Figueroa. Estimation of the pores agglomeration effect on the compressive behavior of metallic foams: infiltration and powder metallurgy study cases. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sofia, Vol.50 (2020) pp. 176-189. Print ISSN: 0861-6663, Online ISSN: 1314-8710. DOI:
Effect of the additive content on the sintering of pre-sintered Si3N4 composite. A. Leon-Geronimo, Q. Miranda-Hernandez, I. Figueroa-Vargas, J. Lemus-Ruiz. MRS Advances, No. 5, Vol 59-60, p. 3103-3111. DOI:10.1557/adv.2020.427
Tribocorrosion behavior of Ti64-xTa alloys fabricated through powder metallurgy. J. Chávez, O. Jimenez, L. Olmos, M. Flores-Jimenez, I. Farias, R. Suárez, J.L. Cabezas-Villa, J. Lemus-Ruiz. Materials Letters, Vol 280, art. 128590. DOI:10.1016/j.matlet.2020.128590
Synthesis and characterisation of Ti6Al4V/xTa alloy processed by solid state sintering. L. Olmos, J.L. Cabezas-Villa, D. Bouvard, J. Lemus-Ruiz, O. Jiménez, L.A. Falcón-Franco, Powder Metallurgy. Vol. 63, No. 1, p. 64-74. DOI:10.1080/00325899.2020.1719689
Processing and characterization of multilayer Ti6Al4V-based components for biomedical applications. J.L. Cabezas-Villa, L. Poubeau, L. Olmos, D. Bouvard, J. Lemus-Ruiz, in European Powder Metallurgy (EURO-PM2018-Biomaterials 1) Bilbao, Spain, Octubre, 6p. (Paper refereed by Dr. Sofia Tsipas, University Carlos III of Madrid Spain).
Aguilera Mandujano A., Serrato Rodríguez J. Synthesis and characterization of titania/graphene nanocomposite for application in photocatalysis. Revista Mexicana de Física 66(5) (2020) 610-616.
Hernández Muñoz W., Zárate Medina J., Serrato Rodríguez J. Muñoz Saldaña J. Synthesis and characterization of 50-50 wt. Lanthanum aluminate lanthanum zirconate composite dried by spray-drying. MRS Advances (2020)
- Santos-Ramos, C. Mercado-Zúñiga, S. E. Borjas-Garcia, J. Zárate-Medina, G. Rosas, Evaluation of the catalytic properties of carbón nanotubes dispersed in amino trimethyl phosphonic acid and nonylphenol. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. Published online: 07 Feb 2020. Vol 28 No. 8, 603-610.
- J. Sánchez-Cuevas, J. Zárate-Medina, O. Navarro, C. Mercado-Zúñiga, F. J. Reynoso-Marín, G. Rosas. Microstructure and Microhardness of the Al-10Mg Alloy Processed by the Mechanical Alloying Technique. Science of Sintering, 52 2 (2020) 123-133.
López-Sosa, L., Robles-Hernandez, F., González-Avilés, M., Santos-Ramos, I., Zárate-Medina, J. Fullerene Carbon Soot Characterization for Application as a New Solar Energy Absorption Material. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 1-4., 26 (sup. 2), 2384-2386.doi:10.1017/S1431927620021406
A.E. Gómez-Ovalle, M.Torres, S.M.A. Jimenez, J.M. Alvarado-Orozco, D.G. Espinosa-Arbeláez, J.M. Gonzalez-Carmona, J. Zárate-Medina, G.C. Mondragón-Rodríguez. Experimental-numerical failure analysis of the c-Al0.66Ti0.34N-M2 steel system applying instrumented indentation and extended finite element. Surface & Coatings Technology, Available online 26 April 2020, 125845.
C.V. Paz, F. Ung, J. Zárate, J.A. Cortés. Evaluation of surface phenomena involved in photocatalytic degradation of Acid Blue 9 by TiO2 catalysts of single and mixed phase A theoretical. Applied Surface Science, Vol 508, 1 April 2020, 145114. P 1-11.
López-Sosa, L.B.; Alvarado-Flores, J.J.; Corral-Huacuz, J.C.; Aguilera-Mandujano, A.; Rodríguez-Martínez, R.E.; Guevara-Martínez, S.J.; Alcaraz-Vera, J.V.; Rutiaga-Quiñones, J.G.; Zárate-Medina, J.; Ávalos-Rodríguez, M.L.; Morales-Máximo, M. A, A Prospective Study of the Exploitation of Pelagic Sargassum spp. as a Solid Biofuel Energy Source. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10 (23), 8706.
Luis Bernardo López-Sosa, Mauricio González-Avilés, Luis Mariano Hernández-Ramírez, Ariosto Medina-Flores, Tzarara López-Luke, Mariela Bravo-Sánchez, Juan Zárate-Medina, Ecological solar absorber coating: A proposal for the use of residual biomass and recycled materials for energy conversión. Solar Energy. 202 (2020) 238–248.
- Zamudio-Hernández, J. J. Sánchez-Cuevas, C. Mercado-Zúñiga, J. Zárate-Medina and Gerardo Rosas, Synthesis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by spray pyrolysis method. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26(S2), 2020 2436-2438. doi:10.1017/S1431927620021571
Hernández Muñoz, W., Zárate Medina, J., Serrato Rodríguez, J., Muñoz Saldaña, J. Synthesis and characterization of 50-50 wt. lanthanum aluminate-lanthanum zirconate composite dried by spray-drying. MRS Advances 5, 2173–2179 (2020).
- J. Sánchez-Cuevas, J. Zárate-Medina, O. Navarro, Gerardo Rosas.Al-10Mg nanostructured alloy by high-energy mechanical alloying. Microscopy and Microanalysis , Volume 26 , Supplement S2 , August 2020 , pp. 2902 – 2903. DOI:
Santos-Ramos, I., López-Sosa, L., Zárate-Medina, J., Rosas, G. Effect of 4 Wt% Magnesium on The Micro-hardness Of Aluminum Alloy Synthesized by Mechanical Milling. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26(S2), 2898-2901. doi:10.1017/S1431927620023144
Torres-Romero, A.; Cajero-Juárez, M.; Nuñez-Anita, R. E.; Contreras-García, M. E.; Ceria-Doped Titania Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery System. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Volume 20, Number 7, July 2020, pp. 3971-3980(10). Publisher: American Scientific Publishers. DOI:
Effect of pre and post weld heat treatment on the mechanical properties of frictionstir welded aa6061-t6 joint. Julio C. Verduzco Juárez, Rafael García Hernández, Gonzalo M. Domínguez Almaraz, Erasmo Correa Gómez, Juan J. Villalón López. International journal of automotive and mechanical engineering (IJAME). VOL. 17, ISSUE 2, 7882 – 7889. ISSN: 2229-8649 e-ISSN: 2180-1606. DOI:
Deinking of recycled paper by coupling of the enzyme endo-β- 1,4-d-glucanasa and the cellulose, and by using a laboratory flotation column. Jeovani González P., Ramiro Escudero G. MRS Advances, 2020, published on behalf of Materials Research Society by Cambridge University Press. DOI: 10.1557/adv.2020.390
I Aguilar-Hernández, DL Cárdenas-Chavez, T López-Luke. Discrimination of radiosensitive and radio resistant murine lymphoma cells by Raman spectroscopy and SERS Biomedical Optics Express 11 (1), 388-405 2, 2020.
ED Rosa, G Ramírez, S Panikar, T Camacho, P Salas, T López-Luke. Algunas aplicaciones de la nanofotónica en la biomedicina Mundo nano. Revista interdisciplinaria en nanociencias y nanotecnología 13 (24), 2020.
A Orona-Navar, I Aguilar-Hernández, T López-Luke, I Zarazúa, et. Al. Photoconversion efficiency of Titania solar cells co-sensitized with natural pigments from cochineal, papaya peel and microalga Scenedesmus obliquus. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 388, 1122162, 2020.
HE Sanchez, D Esparza, T Lopez-Luke, J Castañeda-Contreras. Effect of Al3+ doping concentration and film thickness of ZnO nanoparticles over the TiO2 photoelectrode in CdS quantum dots sensitized solar cells. Solar Energy 197, 154-162 1, 2020.
A Orona-Navar, I Aguilar-Hernández, T López-Luke, A Pacheco. Increase Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) by Using a Natural Pigment from Microalgae. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications 11 (1)2, 2020.
JP Guerrero-Jiménez, VHR Arellano, I Zarazua, T López-Luke, R Doddoji. The Quantum Dots Sensitized TiO2 Solar Cell Efficiency Adding n%Yb3+−1%Er3+ Doped NaYF4: Submicrometer-Sized Rods. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 10 (3), 785-794, 2020.
Luis Bernardo López-Sosa, Mauricio González-Avilés, Luis Mariano Hernández-Ramírez, Ariosto Medina-Flores, Tzarara López-Luke, Mariela Bravo-Sánchez, Juan Zárate-Medina Ecological solar absorber coating: A proposal for the use of residual biomass and recycled materials for energy conversion. Solar Energy. 202, 238-2481, 2020.
OE Solis, JM Rivas, T Lopez-Luke, I Zarazua, J de la Torre, D Esparza Synthesis of Alloyed CdZnS Quantum Dots for Photovoltaic Applications. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. 2020.
C Rosiles-Perez, MA Serrano-Estrada, S Sidhik, A Alatorre-Ordaz, A Torres-Castro, MA Vallejo, AE Jiménez-González, T López-Luke. Synthesis of high quality PbS colloidal quantum dots by ultrasonic bath as photosensitizers in a TiO2 solar cell. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 292, 121720
Effect of acicular ferrite and bainite in API X70 steel obtained after applying a heat treatment on corrosion and cracking behaviour. Jacobo, L.R., García-Hernández, R., López-Morelos, V.H., Contreras, A. Metals and Materials International. (2020). Electronic ISSN 2005-4149
- Gutiérrez-Vargas, A. Ruiz, V.H. López-Morelos, J.-Y. Kim, J. González-Sánchez, A. Medina-Flores.Evaluation of 475 °C embrittlement in UNS S32750 super duplex stainless steel using four-point electric conductivity measurements. Nuclear Engineering and Technology 53(9) (2021) 2982-2989.
- Reyna, A. Bedolla-Jacuinde, F.V. Guerra, I. Mejía, M.A. García. Effect of amount and distribution of primary TiC on the wear behavior of a 12%Cr–3%C white iron under dry sliding conditions”. Wear, 476 (2021) p. 203718.
- Bedolla-Jacuinde, F.V. Guerra, A.J. Guerrero, M. Sierra, S. Valdes. Microstructural effect and wear performance of high chromium white cast iron modified with high boron contents”. Wear, 476 (2021) p. 203675.
Effect of graphite addition on wear behaviour of hybrid Cu/TiC-Gr infiltrated composites.A. Miranda-López, C.A. León-Patiño, E.A. Aguilar-Reyes, E. Bedolla-Becerril, G. Rodriguez-Ortiz. Wear, In press, 2021.
Consolidation behaviour of Cu/AlN composites by pulse electric current sintering of copper-coated aluminium nitride precursors.D.Ramírez-Vinasco, C.A.León-Patiño, MakotoNanko, E.A.Aguilar-Reyes,Powder Technology. 377 pp. 723-732, 2021.
- Cholico-González, N. O. Lara, M. A. S. Miranda, R. M. Estrella, R. E. García and C. A. L. Patiño. “Efficient metallization of magnetite concentrate by reduction with agave bagasse as a source of reducing agents”. Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 603–611, 2021. doi:10.1007/s12613-020-2079-z.
Xiang Tian, Feng Rao, Carlos Alberto Leon-Patiño, Shaoxian Song. Co-disposal of MSWI fly ash and spent caustic through alkaline-activation consolidation. Cement and Concrete Composites, 116 (2021) 1-9.
Chávez, K., Rosas, G. (2021). Facile synthesis of self-assembling silver spheres and evaluation of their catalytic properties in organic dyes degradation. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 97(2), 320-328.
Chávez, K., Figueroa-Ramírez, S. J., Patiño-Carachure, C., Rosas, G. (2021). One-step growth of silver nanodendrites and their electrochemical activity. AppliedPhysics A, 127(1), 1-8.
Del Moral-G, A., López-Luke, T., Saavedra-Molina, A., Gómez-Hurtado, M. A., Rosas, G. (2021). Time-dependent eco-friendly method to produce Au nanometric assemblies with fluorescent properties. Journal of Crystal Growth, 126130.
Alberto Munoz, J., Komissarov, A., Mejia, I., Hernandez-Belmontes, H., Cabrera, J. M. (2021). Characterization of the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) joint of Armco iron nanostructured by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP). Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 288.
- A. Serna, J. A. Verduzco, B. F. Campillo, A. Molina, R. Guardian, A. del Pozo, A. Sedano, H. Villanueva. Synthesis and Characterization of a Ni3Al Intermetallic Modified with Copper Atoms via Powder Metallurgy. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30 (2021) 1906–1913. ISSN: 1059-9495 (print) 1544-1024 (web). DOI:
A Alonso, T Rivera, A Barrera, J Zárate, Structural and TL glow curve of GdAlO3 perovskites. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1723 (2021) 012053. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1723/1/012053
A A Barrera-Angeles, M A Ugalde, D Nolasco, J G Gutiérrez-Márquez, A Morales-Hernández, J Zarate-Medina, T Rivera-Montalvo.LaAlO3:Pr3+ as photon radiotherapy dosimeter. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1723 (2021) 012043. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1723/1/012043
Mechanisms of MOW paper deinking in flotation columns, by enzymatic catalysis using trichoderma sp. Jeovani Gonzáluez P., Ramiro Escudero G. Technium Vol. 3, Issue 3 pp.53-58 (2021). ISSN: 2668-778X.
Ana Sánchez-Solís, Diego Esparza, Angelica Orona-Navar, Alejandro Torres-Castro, Jesús Manuel Rivas, Nancy Ornelas-Soto, Tzarara López-Luke. Light-emitting diodes based on quaternary CdZnSeS quantum dots. Journal of Luminescence, 235, p. 118025, 2021.
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The effect of applying magnetic fields during welding AISI 304 stainless steel on stress corrosion cracking. F.F. Curiel, R. García, V.H. López, M.A. García, A. Contreras, M.A. García. International Journal of Electrochemical Science. 16, 1-20, 2021. Article ID: 210338. ISSN 1452-3981. doi: 10.20964/2021.03.31.
Microstructure and fatigue behavior of 2205/316l stainless steel dissimilar welded joints. Hernández-Trujillo SL, Lopez-Morelos VH, García-Rentería MA, García-Hernández R, Ruiz A, Curiel-López FF. Metals. 2021; 11(1):93. ISSN 2075-4701
Ramberg–Osgood Stress–Strain Analysis of the Effects of Aging Treatment and Welding on IN600 with a Three-Stage Strain Hardening Behavior. Heriberto Granados-Becerra, Víctor H. López-Morelos, Alberto Ruiz, Rafael García-Hernández, Francisco F. Curiel-López, Martin R. Barajas-Alvarez. Metals and Materials International. 2021. ISSN 2005-4149.